PetroChina's first 10,000-acre zero-carbon ecological park was officially completed!


On August 15, on the occasion of the second National Ecological Day, the reporter learned from the Ecological Resources Management Department of the oilfield company that after active exploration and continuous construction, Daqing Oilfield obtained the "Carbon Neutral Certificate" from the Tianjin Emission Rights Exchange, marking the PetroChina's first 10,000-acre zero-carbon ecological park - Daqing Oilfield Ma'anshan Carbon Neutral Ecological Park was officially completed.


"Zero carbon does not mean not emitting carbon dioxide at all, but by calculating greenhouse gas emissions, offsetting the carbon footprint and reducing carbon emissions in the form of afforestation, energy conservation and emission reduction, until reaching relatively zero carbon emissions." Oilfield Company Ecological Resources Yang Hongbiao, Director of the Management Department, said: "'Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets'. Over the years, Daqing Oilfield has thoroughly studied and implemented Xi Jinping's Thought on Ecological Civilization, conscientiously implemented the arrangements and deployment of the group company, focused on the 'double carbon' goal, and made every effort to promote green and low-carbon development , Strengthen the forest carbon sequestration business, actively carry out surface restoration, land reclamation, water and soil conservation and other work, and strive to find a new path for ecological civilization that is consistent with the actual situation of the oil field and helps the development of the company.”


Daqing Oilfield Ma'anshan Carbon Neutral Ecological Park is located in Ranghu Road District, Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province, with a total area of 13,500 acres, all of which is land with the right to use the oil field. The soil conditions in this area are suitable for afforestation and surface greening. In addition, the shelterbelts and seedling bases built in the oil fields over the years have gradually grown in scale, giving it a good foundation. The area is far away from oil areas and is surrounded by chemical and electric power companies. There is an urgent need for environmental governance and ecological improvement. To this end, Daqing Oilfield has actively carried out environmental remediation and improvement work in this area. Planning and implementation was launched in July 2015. From the initial regional surface environmental management and vegetation restoration, it gradually clarified its ideas, improved its planning, and successively empowered it to reduce carbon emissions. Missions such as emission reduction, ecological tourism, and clean substitution have finally determined the fundamental goal of achieving carbon neutrality within the 10,000-acre park during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period. At present, the construction of the park has been fully completed.


"According to carbon calculations conducted by the Tianjin Emissions Exchange, the Daqing Oilfield Ma'anshan Carbon Neutral Ecological Park itself has achieved carbon neutrality and is a veritable 'zero carbon' park." The general manager of the Tianjin Emissions Exchange told reporters.

"Ma'anshan Carbon Neutral Ecological Park is a practical result of Daqing Oilfield's active implementation of Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thoughts and contribution to the construction of a beautiful China. It is also an epitome of low-carbon development of oil and gas field enterprises in the field of ecological construction." Ecological Environment Management Company The manager said that he will "light up" the ecological park through "smart" energy, strive to build a national science education and research base that integrates science, education, viewing and experience, create an ecological space shared by Oil City citizens, and contribute ecological power to the development of enterprises. .

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